A Meaningless Story

"He was in love. She, was not. He loved her with all his heart and mind. His was a world consumed by her— he lived, breathed and slept in her memory. She, however, was far away, in her own land of cotton candy—living and breathing someone else. Her mind was occupied, and he was not even an afterthought. "
Now, the scene is this— this dude has to somehow get to her, you know, tell her how he feels. I mean, not just tell her how he feels, which is easy, comparatively, you know. He can do that. This dude, here, has to make her fall for him. Now, remember, this dude is just some random Tom, Dick and Harry. Not an alpha male, not a steroid pumped hunk. Just a regular guy, you know. Like you and me.

You, yes. Me? No. I could easily qualify for a hunk. Anyway, what's the problem? Just write it up. Make it up. Wave your pen, make the girl fall for him. You have that power.

No, no, no. Now, this can't be any old story. I can't just "write" it, you know. It will have to write itself. She will have to— have to fall for him. He will have to do something, you know, I don't know what. This story has to be more than just words,  you know. Which is why, I need your help.

Hey, I'm just a guy who sips tea all day. I can't help you man. You are the one doing the writing.

See that girl over there? The one with the specs, quietly holding a book. She looks like she is waiting for someone. This is where you come in, you know. Now, will you go and ask her out?

Wait a minute. I thought we were talking about your story. What has this got to do with anything? Although... She is pretty. But, a man's gotta finish his tea. You do you. I'm just fine  sipping tea.

What about you Blue? Wanna lend me a hand here? Put down than damn phone for a moment Blue. You see that girl by the window? The one reading a book, in baggy pajamas. I need you to ask her out.

Who? Her? No. No. Do you see that girl at the corner, with the earphones tucked in? I'm going for her, brother. I have a good feeling about this.

Come on, help me out. This story needs to get written, you know. It has to write itself. The girl has to fall for the boy. Help me figure this, you know.

I'm just chilling here, man. I didn't come all the way to help you with your story. Let it be, man. Let it be. Wanna take a puff? This is some good shit. Just whisper words of wishdom and let it be.  Make some shit up, man. Isn't that what you do? Girl meets boy, boy meets girl, they fall in love. End of story. Make them fucking meet. Words man, just words. It is just a story. Nobody gives a fuck how real it is. Nobody wants real.

Yeah, brother. Look here, look at this quote. Just Googled this shit, posted it. And now I'm getting texts. I don't even know what it means. "Focus in more, you'll have more. Focus on less, you'll have less. " I mean what the actual fuck? Sounds fancy, that's what matters. You are too real brother and nobody sees it. Wear a facade, brother.

This story, what do I do with it, Blue? I can't just leave it. I have to write a real story for once. I can't just have them falling in love. This story need character, you know, substance, reality. I can't just leave it. I can't just let it be like mere words.

That's where you are wrong, my friend. Some stories are not written with a pen, they materialise, out of nowhere. Yeah... that's more like it, you get it. See? It's not about how real it is. I mean what the fuck did I just say? — "Story materialise out of thin air", and yet you felt what it meant. You connected. They were just random words from a random dude pretending to have figured it all out— to me. But to you, it had meaning.

This tea, it has a story. No, it doesn't. I'm just trying to do what Blue does. He is good. You are so good at it, teach me the art sometime Blue. Anyway, go write the story. She is waiting. That book, those glasses, those are for you. She is your promt. Now, go write a story. 


ms_wagle said…
Nicely written...wishdom
Rubik Joshi said…
Okay so this is a meaningless story as suggested by the title and well I ended up reading the whole thing...
But then again at the end I was like wtf?!
@ms_wagle, thank you :) :)
@Rubik Dai, wtf in a good way or a bad way? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
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