Hunting for Treasures in Used Bookstores

I may look normal, but I go into used/second-hand bookstores and buy books that I have no idea when I'll read. That's exactly what I did today, after almost two years (thanks Covid). 

I go into used bookstores not knowing what I will find, what will find me, low-key excited at the prospect of finding something exciting, something of value( at a cut price too). Will I add to my Harry Potter Collection, will I find a Hosseini or a Ishiguro or a Rushdie, or will something else find me? 
I carefully browse the spines of the books, I go through them again just to make sure I have missed anything, I look for familiar authors— authors I've read or authors from my to-read-list. But what you look for is not always what you find, sometimes a book catches your eyes and you just know that's the book you want. 
That feeling of getting three books for the price of one, yet not having compromised on quality (unlike most other things, the contents of the book do not depreciate upon use) is something I absolutely enjoy. This is what the pirates in the books of old, might have felt hunting for long lost treasures, of course I have taken the liberty to exaggerate. 


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